Implement technological tools that help to promote administrative efficiency and effectiveness, consolidate modern, efficient and transparent public management for citizens, support the fight against corruption, access to public information, centralize the procedures offered by government entities at the national level so that users have access to a single point.
Implement a Search Application for the portals Public Function (, SUIT (Single Procedures Information System, SIGEP (Public Employment Information and Management System at the service of the public administration and citizens and Portal Bank of Public Managers (allows to find all the academic information and work experience of the managers of the Colombian state), the managers portal is exclusively for internal users of the DAFP.
Technological tools with different functionalities were developed for each of the institution’s portals, as follows:
Public Function Portal (Administrative Department of the Public Function), with the implementation of the Search Application, citizens have easy and agile access to the entity’s public information such as regulatory issues, publications or general interest indicators about the entity and the national government.
Among the technological developments, the following stand out:
- Implementation of Search Box, Results Interface, indexing of the web portal (
SUIT Portal: (Single Procedures Information System), in this portal citizens can consult the procedures and other administrative procedures that all state institutions offer. The application allows them to centralize administrative paperwork and procedures at the national and territorial level.
Among the technological developments, the following stand out:
- Search Box, users can search for information about the procedures and services provided by government entities at the national and territorial levels.
- Results interface, indexing of procedures by databases, spell checker.
SIGEP Portal (Public Employment Information and Management System at the service of the public administration and citizens). The tool allows access to institutional information, both national and territorial, related to: type of entity, sector to which it belongs, composition, staff, jobs held, functions manual, salaries, benefits, resumes, talent human information with which the institutions of the Colombian state are identified.
Technological Developments:
- Implementation of Search Box, results interface, indexing of resumes by databases, spell checker.